Feedback Processes and Non-Violent Communication

In the agile working world, work is managed through communication in teams. Effective communication needs a certain level of respect and appreciation, transparency and clarity in order to succeed.

The format of non-violent communication describes a simple, catchy procedure for successful communication that everyone can learn and use to ensure that they communicate what they see, feel, need and want respectfully in their communication with their teammates.

We train how to distinguish objective descriptions of facts and perceptions from evaluations. Feelings and needs are understood as important information and we practice noticing and naming them in ourselves and in others.

We train how to bring up and represent one’s own needs and interests, as well as how to recognize the interests of others through mirroring and reflection.

We clear up the misunderstanding that nonviolent communication is about avoiding conflict or being overly sensitive and show how its practice enables strong points of view and clarity of communication. Participants learn to become good negotiating partners by learning to stay rooted in themselves and to communicate professionally.